The Scottish Government
The resources we produced caught the attention of our core funders at the Scottish Government who have endorsed their quality and continue to view Moira Anderson Foundation (MAF) as agency truly able to deliver value.

With Kids
Our Partnership with the children’s charity With Kids has proved to be invaluable. Strong links between the two charities has led to many joint working opportunities. MAF can now offer its children’s services from the With Kids bases in the east end of Glasgow and also the west end of Edinburgh

National Lottery Community Fund
We are delighted to receive continued funding from the The National Lottery Community Fund. The award is for 3 years from 2021; it will fund the Positive Steps project which includes our Complementary Therapy service, the Glasgow Satellite Service (GSS) and Hands on Health training.

Health & Social Care Alliance – Links Worker Programme
Our Positive Steps Project has worked in partnership with the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland’s Links Worker Programme for several years to develop and deliver a Satellite Service in Glasgow (GSS), ensuring people from Glasgow have access to a range of support and therapeutic services. This helps to reduce barriers to participation for those affected by childhood sexual abuse in the area.
Working out of various GP Practices (where Links Workers are based), and in City Centre premises, we deliver, counselling, complementary therapies and Hands on Health (MAF’s self-management programme). This service is offered alongside the support that Links Workers provide to those referred.