Pride 2024 Blog.


I have been trying to attain the correct words to adequately describe being part of Pride March 2024.
It was beautiful, powerful and free. The atmosphere from all the participants, crowds gathered along
the way and the people on the buses and cars that passed and shared in the experience was joyous,
pure and infectious. Myself and my group, who were representing MAF on the day were so grateful to
be part of something so important and glorious! It was such a beautiful day and once again we were
blessed with the weather as the rain didn’t start until after the march.

It is important to remember why we march in the name of Pride month, in June. To honour the date of
the Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, New York in 1969. Where members of the not yet
established gay community fought with the police for 5 days straight for the right to be themselves
and be treated fairly. Interestingly, homosexuality was decriminalised in the UK in 1967. However,
due to the complications of state and federal laws. Homosexuality wasn’t decriminalised in all states
of America until 2003.

Having had the privilege of walking in the March, it is inconceivable to imagine homosexuality still
being documented as a mental health disorder up until 1989 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
III (DSM- 3) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) until 1992. We have come so far
since then, although we still have a long way to go for all, sexual orientations, genders and identities
to be accepted and celebrated in the same way.

MAF Staff, trustees and volunteers will continue to fight for acceptance, support and inclusivity for
everyone who interacts with us in all physical spaces and platforms. It is an honour and a privilege,
that we will not take for granted.

Client Support Officer
LGBT+ Champion Member

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