Positive Steps
Positive Steps is a Lottery funded project within MAF providing a holistic range of support for our adult clients with long-term health problems, enabling them to cope better with their condition and access opportunities within the community. The project delivers four strands of support: complementary therapies, the Hands on Health self-management programme, peer support and individual support.
The majority of referrals to the Positive Steps project are internal referrals from our client support team and therapists. Clients can be referred at any stage of their support/treatment. They are normally referred to the complementary therapy service in the first instance, although they can be referred directly to the Hands on Health programme if they choose not to participate in complementary therapies. External referrals are also welcome to the Positive Steps project, clients already receiving support for issues around childhood sexual abuse can be referred directly by their supporting organisation. They can be referred to our complementary therapy service or the Hands on Health programme.
*Content Warning: The report contains information about services delivered to adults affected by childhood sexual abuse. Some people may find aspects of the report distressing.*
Individual Support
Initially clients referred to MAF will receive support from one of our client support team. They will provide them with information and support them to access the services that best meets their needs. Clients being referred to the Positives Steps project will receive individual support at different stages of their progress through the various strands of support available.
Prior to engaging with the Hands on Health programme, clients will receive individual support to help them set goals and develop a personal plan that suits their needs, empowering them to make decisions that will improve their lives
Hands On Health
Hands on Health is a self-management programme incorporating stress management, personal development and relaxation with aspects of complementary therapies for home use. Participants can learn tools and techniques they can use at home to manage their long-term health condition and improve their overall health and well-being.
The programme is delivered over a 12 week period. Each topic can be delivered as a stand-alone unit and participants can choose to opt in to the units they feel would be of most benefit to them. Each week ends with a relaxation session incorporating various breathing, visualization and relaxation techniques.
Topics Covered:
Stress Management: Learn to identify the signs and causes of stress in your life, how to manage it and make positive changes to improve your health and well-being.
Assertiveness: Learn to identify areas in your life where you could benefit from being more assertive and how to put this into practice.
Self-esteem: Learn tools and techniques to boost your self-esteem using positive self-talk.
Goal Setting & Affirmations: Learn how to change harmful behaviour, achieve your goals and develop a more positive perception of yourself using positive affirmations.
Anger Management: Learn to recognise the physical signs of anger and how to control it, reducing the risk of health related issues linked to unresolved anger.
Time Management: Learn the benefits of good time management and how to manage your time effectively.
Aromatherapy: Learn how to safely use essential oils at home to help improve your health and well-being.
Reflexology: Learn reflexology techniques you can use at home to help reduce health related symptoms.
Relaxation: Learn various relaxation and visualization techniques to help improve your health and well-being.
Peer Support
Following completion of the Hands on Health programme participants will have the opportunity to attend a weekly peer support group where they can practice their new skills and techniques in a supported environment. Group members will have the opportunity to try out new health promoting activities, learn new and share existing skills and be supported to access leisure, training, education and volunteering opportunities if they wish to do so. This a self-directed group which offers longer term support, enabling people to progress to further opportunities at their own pace.
Complementary Therapies
We offer a range of complementary therapies including but not exclusively; Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki and Indian Head Massage. All the therapies help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote positive health and wellbeing.
Aromatherapy Massage: is a gentle form of massage using essential oils which are derived from various parts of plants and have therapeutic properties. It helps to induce relaxation, increase energy levels and reduce the negative effects of stress while promoting positive health and wellbeing.
Reflexology: is a non-intrusive therapy, which works on the principles that there are “reflex” points in the feet, hands and ears which correspond to the various parts of the body. The therapist will apply pressure using specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques. You may feel areas of transient discomfort during the treatment, but generally the experience should be relaxing.
Reiki: meaning “Universal Life Energy” is a natural form of healing therapy, using non-invasive gentle touch. It aims to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and wellbeing.
Indian Head Massage: is a non-invasive therapy, carried out to the upper back, across the shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and face with the client remaining fully clothed. It helps to restore a state of balance by relieving stress through the body’s natural healing process.
Thermal Auricular Therapy: A hollow tube (similar to a straw) made of natural cloth and wax is inserted into the ear, once a comfortable fit has been established, the candle is burnt down to a safe level then removed, it is always performed on both ears. The therapy also helps to equalise the pressure in the head and ears. A deeply relaxing, calming and soothing treatment which may give symptom relief of many problems and conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat areas. It is also calming and relaxing in cases of Anxiety and Stress.