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Parent/Guardian Support

Support for the parent's and guardian's of the child or young person who has experienced sexual abuse.

Parent/Guardian Support

MAF’s Family Coordinator supports the parent/guardian of the child or young person who has experienced sexual abuse. Support gives the parent/guardian time to process what is going on in their head and/or body, to explore what has happened, and how the abuse has impacted on their life.

Sessions offer a safe and confidential space to discuss worries or concerns around issues/behaviours a child or young person may be struggling with. It is an opportunity to explore techniques to help parents cope with the thoughts and feelings that their child or young person may be processing. Relevant coping strategies can be offered to parents/guardians to help support and build confidence in supporting their child.

If you wish to take up the offer of support we can arrange appointments for you with the Family Coordinator; we offer up to 4 support appointments with the Family Coordinator which can be progressed to any of our therapies if needed.

A fortnightly support group for parents is also available (Thursday 10am – 12pm). The group allows people to share their worries, concerns and experiences with other parents/guardians who have gone through similar experiences, if they wish to.

Workshops offering information and education around coping with childhood sexual abuse are also available, these are run on a regular basis. Similar to the one-to-one sessions, the workshops help parents/guardians understand and learn how to manage the effects of childhood sexual abuse.

Topics covered include trauma, basic child development and self-care.

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