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Matthew McVarish

A multi-award winning human rights activist, Matthew is extremely proud to be the International Ambassador for The Moira Anderson Foundation.

Matthew McVarish

Matthew McVarish first came to MAF as a client in 2008. The foundation supported him and his brothers throughout the successful court case against their uncle.

The support from MAF continued, as Matthew then began to speak out against child sexual abuse in various ways. His campaigns include an off-broadway play, a feature film and a 10,000mile walk. He has addressed all forty-seven nations of the Council of Europe, chaired international discussions at the United Nations and developed the world’s first Global Survivor Forum, for ECPAT International in Bangkok.

Matthew has been invited to give lectures to the Scottish Government, Police Scotland, The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal, as well as to various foreign governments, including Iceland, Serbia and a personal audience with Pope Francis.

The Truth That No One Tells Teenagers

Now a multi-award winning human rights activist, Matthew is extremely proud to be the International Ambassador for The Moira Anderson Foundation.

His new book, “The Truth That No One Tells Teenagers”, about how to recover from childhood sexual abuse, is highly recommended by therapists and survivors and now available on Amazon and Kindle.

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