LGBT+ Group Blog
LGBTQ+ Blog Post 4
Once again, we are fortunate to have gained a new member to our Champions group, and she
is already proving to be a valuable team member. Welcome Jeanette, we are looking forward
to working with you as your passion and commitment are clearly evident.
On the 24 th of February, we held an LGBTQ+ awareness event in our local community to
commemorate Purple Friday, a key date in the LGBTQ+ calendar. The purpose of the day is
to raise funds, and take a stand against homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. Ultimately,
creating more safe places for people in this community. The event went well thanks to our
champions, volunteers, and helpers, who always give 100%.
The event consisted of a similar set up to our in-house event, just on a larger scale to fill the
hall we hired for the day. Including, home-baking, tombola, complementary therapies,
jewellery making and of course raising awareness on LGBTQ+ issues and statistics.
Additionally, we included information on some inspirational Scottish people from the LGBT
community and featured our own international ambassador here at MAF, Matthew McVarish.
Incidentally, we were all thrilled when Matthew surprised us all by attending the event,
showing his support, and participating in everything we had to offer.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued support as we endeavour to create an
equally safe and accepting environment for every MAF client and their families to
experience. Equivalently, these events provide us with the opportunity to expand these areas
of safety and establish allies. In addition to this, we are able keep our community apprised of
our progress on this journey and illustrate the necessity for this information, support, and
compassion going forward.
LGBTQ+ Champion
Client Support Officer