The Moira Anderson Foundation Awards
Glasgow Hub – Self Management in the Community
Positive Steps – Self Management in the Community, Self Management Awards
Provost’s Award – recognition of MAF’s work in the local community
Positive Steps – Digital Innovator of the Year, Self-Management Awards
Gillian Urquhart – Highly Commended by the 4th Scottish Women’s Awards
Chaimae Baqqari – Individual Transformational Story of the Year, Self Management Awards
Gillian Urquhart – Finalist for BWS Women in Business Awards, Social Impact of the Year
Nominated for SCVO 2020 Charity of the Year
Investors in People Platinum Status Award
Silver Healthy Working Lives Award
LGBTQ+ Bronze Award Charter to MAF staff for Best Practice
Woman of Inspiration Honours List -Award to Founder by Scottish Association of Businesswomen
Finalist in GSK Impact Awards for UK to MAF Director for charities making a difference in Britain
Sandra Brown – Winner of Services to Charity award at the Scottish Women’s Awards 2018
Sandra Brown OBE – runner up in Robert Burns Humanitarian Award
Investors in People Gold Status Award
Winner SCVO Charity Champion to Matthew McVarish on his inspiring 10,000 mile Road to Change Project
Winner Top Scot in the Spirit of Scotland Awards (Scotsman & Glenfiddich) to Matthew McVarish on his inspiring 10,000 mile Road to Change Project
Finalist for the Scottish Campaigner of the Year (Herald Politician of the Year Awards) for Board Adviser Matthew McVarish
Award and Accreditation from Investors in People for good practice to MAF
YOU Magazine & Clarins UK Woman of the Year Finalist – £1000 award to Founder
MAF given the ‘Volunteer Friendly’ Award by VANL and MAF holds this status till 2020
MAF staff awarded the Bronze Award by Healthy Working Lives and Silver Award won in 2018.
Finalists for the Campaign of the Year, Scottish Charity of the Year Awards
MAF Volunteer Training- our Co-ordinator Anne Taylor was given an award by VANL
MAF Volunteer Marie Gault was selected as a Finalist for Volunteer of the Year by VANL
Finalists at VANL’s VOSCAR evening in the Category: Safer Communities
Open University Alumni Award for 2007/8 presented to Founder for her outstanding Contribution as an “Ambassador for Education” – The Open University
Scottish Winners of the Nationwide Award for Community Endeavour (Adult Group) to all Trustees and Volunteers of the agency, and also UK Finalists
OBE for Services to Child Protection in Scotland from HM Queen Elizabeth II in her 80th Birthday Honours List to Founder, presented at Buckingham Palace
“Stars of the Community Award” from Monklands Association of Voluntary Services to all staff, volunteers and Trustees at the Foundation
“Scotswoman of the Year” (Evening Times Readers) to Founder & £5K to MAF
Training Award – Silver Super County plaque for quality volunteer training services from North Lanarkshire Council to Trustees of the Foundation
National Training Award in Protective Behaviours from PBUK to Founder
Runner Up – “Scottish Citizen of the Year” (Scotsman Readers) to Founder