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Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding the services we provide.

How quickly would I be seen after the referral?

A lot of people refer themselves, or are referred by another organisation, for support and therapy. Because of the number of people referred to us, and the size of our team, it is not possible for us to work with everyone at the same time. This means that people wait longer than we would like for their support to start.

We understand that waiting for support can be difficult. We work hard to make sure you can access the service as soon as possible.

Below, we answer questions about the waitlist.

What is involved in the initial appointment?

Initial appointments for children will be held with the parent/guardian. At the initial appointment the Client Support Officer will gather some necessary information from you, such as, what (if any) medication you’re on and your GP details. They will also complete an evaluation with you. There will be time towards the end for you to talk about what’s brought you to MAF at this point in your life.

How quickly will I see a therapist?

We endeavour to have a minimal waiting period.

How many sessions are available to me?

You will be offered a block of eight sessions for Integrative Therapies, Time Line Therapy and Art Therapy and a block of five sessions for Thought Field Therapy, with the possibility of extending the amount of sessions if this is needed. We aim to see children for as long as necessary.

How much does it cost for therapy?

There is no cost involved, however, if you are in a position to make a contribution towards your sessions it will be very gratefully received. We ask clients to give at least 48 hours notice if they are cancelling an appointment; this is to help reduce the cost incurred to MAF.

Would I need to attend on the same day each week?

Yes. Appointments are made for the same day and time each week.

Will everything I say be kept confidential?

We offer a confidential service. The only way we will break that confidentiality is if you tell us that you or anyone else is at risk of harm. We will talk this over with you in the first instance.

Can you support me if English isn't my first language?

We have a Client Support Officer (CSO) who is fluent in Classical Arabic and (other dialects) and French. If you would like to be seen by this CSO please make us aware when you contact us. Outwith these languages, if your English is limited, we will try our very best to offer you support.

The team at MAF have an understanding of the cultural issues that can affect the wellbeing of people from the black and minority ethnic communities.

Can you tell me how long I will have to wait for support to start?

It is not always possible for us to say how long people will have to wait. This is because timeframes can change. However, at the moment, people are waiting up to 9 – 10 months.

We know it can be hard to wait a long time for support. We still hope that you register with us. We will start your support as soon as we can.

The waiting time may still go up or down. We will be checking it every month and will update this page on our website if anything changes.

Can I get any other support from MAF while I wait?

It may be possible for you to join our pop-in group, however we wouldn’t know that until you’d had an initial appointment to assess whether you would be suitable for the group or not.

Are some people able to get support before others?

Children and young people can generally access support within one to two months. For everyone else, we offer support in the order that they were referred to us.

How will I know if I am registered?

If another organisation has referred you, we will make contact with you to take some basic details.

How can I connect with MAF while I wait for support?

You can stay connected with us through our Facebook and Instagram accounts. You will find links to our social profiles at the top and bottom of our website.

Can I give feedback about the Moira Anderson Foundation?

Yes. You can give us feedback at any time by completing the feedback form on our website: Anonymous Feedback – Moira Anderson

If you would like to get a copy of the feedback form by post instead, you can let us know by:


writing to us at Moira Anderson Foundation, 3 Mavisbank Street, Airdrie, ML6 0JA
calling our main line 01236 602890

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